Worship | MY MPC


Live Music. Moving Messages. Every Week.

On Campus Worship
Saturdays at 6:00 PM
Sundays at 9:00 & 11:15 AM

Weekly Invitation Card

Live Online Worship
Sundays at 11:15 AM

Watch below or connect with us on our app and social


Sundays at MPC

Our TRU Kids Nursery and Comfort Room is available for infants up to 12 months old at both Sunday services, and during Discipleship Hour. The Nursery is staffed by professionally trained adults who lovingly care for God’s children. The Comfort Room is ideal for parents who wish to stay with their children and watch the worship service on a video monitor. Childcare for toddlers and children ages 1 through Kindergarten is also available in the Children's Ministries wing during both Sunday services. Themed activities related to the morning's lesson are presented during the service.
Children's Programming
Sundays at 9:00 AM

During our 9:00 AM service, children ages 2-K are invited to our Children's Wing to start their morning. Students in grades 1-5 begin in the Sanctuary with their families before being dismissed to the Children's Wing for our TRU Kids programming where they will engage in interactive connection games, free play, and age-appropriate worship.

Children's & Teen's Programming
Sundays at 10:10 AM

Children ages 2-K and students in grades 1-5 are invited to the Children's Wing for the 10:10 AM Discipleship hour for connecting activities, as well as age-appropriate games and worship. Students in grades 6-12 are invited to Westminster Hall for our Student IMPACT program where they will participate in age-appropriate Bible study.
Discipleship Hour
Sundays at 10:10 AM

In between services, we hold a Discipleship Hour that is designed for all ages to engage in age-appropriate education. Adult classes run in sessions of anywhere from 6- to 8-weeks, and a variety of topics are available for study. 
See Class Schedule
The main level of the church facility is handicapped accessible, and an elevator provides access to the Children’s Ministries wing. Hearing devices and digital bulletins are available Sunday mornings.